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Jewish Special Needs

Welcome to Jewish Special Needs

Jewish Special Needs is a full, one-stop information center that includes everything that any professional might need in order to obtain any information on the topic.
You are welcome to learn about special needs in general, special needs and Jewish topics, to join an active discussion group on the topic, to find the best links to other resources on special needs, and more.

To create this e-zine, I just sat down and thought to myself: what do I like to read? The content comes from a variety of sources: some I've written myself, some has been written by friends, and some has been contributed by other Internet users just like you.

I hope you enjoy this e-zine. Be sure to sign my guestbook at the bottom of the screen or send e-mail to let me know what you think (or to contribute articles or ideas). I'll be updating frequently, so check back often!

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Table of Contents

In this area, I might include links to specific pages of my e-zine, perhaps with a short summary of the content in order to draw readers in.

Clipart of a computer; Actual size=146 pixels wide

Here I might add a GuestBook Web Gem so I can keep track of visitors to this site.